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Luxury House

Planning & Install

To get the best out of your ROOFsoaker investment, below are some guidelines to assist in correct placement and layout.

Standard Gutter Profiles

ROOFsoaker is designed to fit most standard home gutter profiles and as with any preventative measure, setting up the system and creating a plan of action will often save time and guesswork when a real situation arises. The guidelines below have be created from user experience, but you should develop your own plan based on your circumstances.

Use Google Maps to get a top view of your property and surrounding area.


Work on the surmise that the Roofsoaker will cover a diameter of 40-50’ and work out the optimal placement of each unit. These units can cover up to 70’ in perfect conditions, but taking into account any potential reduction in water pressure/flow rate and also high winds impacting the spread, using 40-50’ is a rule of thumb that seems to work.

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Make sure your plan covers your whole roof, any extended decks or any other structures that you are wanting to protect.


One very important consideration is the wind. During wildfire season, winds typically come from a specific direction, which is sometimes different from the prevailing wind. Determine an estimated wildfire wind direction and accommodate in your plan putting an emphasis on Roofsoakers on that side of the property.


Based on your plan order the correct amount of units and hoses.


When your units and hoses arrive, hook onto your gutters following the mounting instructions. Be sure you have enough hose and fittings to reach the nearest outside faucets. Hoses should be kept close to the structure to reduce heat exposure.Turn the system on and see what happens. Adjust the sprinkler heads to cover the required areas. Also use the foot to adjust the angle so that the spray is at least 3’ above any ridgeline. When satisfied that everything is getting wet enough, shut the system off. Take plenty of photos, draw a quick plan and number the units so you know which one goes where.

This simple planning stage can be the difference between the system working effectively or maybe not working at all.

Gutters with Leaf Guards

Gutters with leaf guards usually need some modification when mounting ROOFsoaker units.


The simplest option is to cut away a small section of the leaf guard at the correct mounting position. Just bending the leaf guard mesh up results in minimal interference in leaf protection, yet provides a specific location for  mounting your ROOFsoaker.

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